Cheapest Broadband Deals

Compare the cheapest broadband deals for April 2024 in the UK.
Find low cost broadband services from UK providers and save money.

Cheap Broadband Comparison

Which providers offer the cheapest broadband?

Amongst others – BT, Virgin Media, Sky, TalkTalk, Plusnet and Origin Broadband – all offer cheap broadband services. What’s on offer all depends on timing and when you are ready to sign-up. However, you can be reassured to know that between them, you can get your hands on a pretty good deal at any given time.

What to look out for?

The kind of offerings you may expect when comparing cheap broadband deals include; discount subscription, free or reduced set-up costs and incentives such as vouchers.

How cheap is cheap?

The absolute lowest cost for broadband, will not normally drop below the cost of landline rental. This is because UK providers are now required to include the cost of the mandatory phone line as part of the monthly subscription cost. The average monthly cost for line rental is approximately £18.99 a month, so don’t expect to pay less than that. You can get broadband without a phone line, but Virgin Media are the only UK provider to currently offer this.

Is it cheaper to get a package?

If you want more than just broadband, or already have digital TV and phone services elsewhere, then it is worth checking to see if you would be paying less for these services combined. Everybody likes to save money, so considering a package (aka bundle) is definitely worth checking. Packages are becoming increasingly popular, as UK providers generally offer bigger discounts and rewards to those customers taking-up Broadband, TV and Phone services with them.

Comparing with

When you’re ready to compare the latest deals, simply head back up to the top of this page. Then select the most relevant option from the drop-down menu entitled “Sort your results by”. For example, you can choose to see which provider is offering the cheapest set-up cost. Or between the “promo monthly cost”, “standard monthly cost” and “speeds” – to name but a few.

To Conclude

While it’s certainly worth looking at the latest deals on cheap broadband, don’t be drawn into a service that’s not suitable for your home. The cheapest broadband products are often the slowest (i.e. up to 17mb – standard broadband). However, with so much competition around, you may just get your hands on fibre broadband at an attractive price. Who knows, you may also get your set-up at a giveaway price and bag a voucher for the trouble. Check today’s deals now.

Cheapest Broadband – Pros and Cons

Cheap Broadband?
Cut down on your monthly bill
Some deals may offer no upfront cost
Best for those looking for standalone broadband
Get faster speeds for a little extra
Mainly slower services are cheapest
May work out cheaper to get a package